Commercial Real Estate Development
We develop commercial buildings (both new construction and rehab of older buildings) to help revitalize neighborhoods and to give local entrepreneurs and small businesses space to thrive. Our commercial development is sometimes linked to housing (think of classic main street buildings with businesses on the ground floor and housing above), but can also be standalone commercial.
Current Projects
Southtown Center, Corvallis – In 2017, DevNW purchased the old New Holland Tractor site in South Corvallis. Roughly 3.5 acres of that site is part of 12 acres zone for a ‘Major Neighborhood Center’. We are actively working with the other property owners to create a master plan for the whole site, which is the first step toward developing a town center for South Corvallis. Stay tuned for lots of community engagement as we move forward!
Past Projects
Sprout Food Hub, Springfield – In 2011, DevNW purchased a vacant historic church in downtown Springfield and transformed it into a thriving community food hub, with space for a food business incubator, restaurants, and an event center. Sprout became a key destination space and a cornerstone of the revitalization of downtown Springfield. We sold the building in 2017, and it was rebranded the Public House…but it remains just as beloved as ever by the community!

Whiteaker Neighborhood, Eugene – NEDCO (one of two nonprofits that became DevNW) got its start in the historic Whiteaker Neighborhood, where it rehabbed several of the most recognizable buildings in the neighborhood, including the Red Barn Natural Grocery Store, the Baldwin Market Building, and the current homes of Pizza Research Institute and Izakaya Meiji.