Community Building and Neighborhood Revitalization


Community Building and Neighborhood Revitalization

At DevNW, we believe that vibrant neighborhoods led by engaged residents are a key part of strong, thriving communities. DevNW facilitates neighborhood revitalization and development by focusing an array of community-building activities in specific lower-income neighborhoods.

Each neighborhood is unique, and our Community Building and Neighborhood Revitalization strategies look a little different in each place we work. But the goal is the same: to create vibrant neighborhoods where residents are active and engaged, businesses thrive, homes are affordable, and people have access to healthy food, parks and open spaces, services, and fun. The tools we might use include:

  • Community events and celebrations
  • Commercial real estate development (new construction and rehab of old buildings)
  • Small business recruitment, development, and lending
  • Community gardens and farmers markets
  • Recruitment of grocery stores and key services
  • Building new affordable homes (to rent and to own)
  • Community organizing and leadership development
  • Advocating for parks, open spaces, and community gathering places
  • Starting a social enterprise business to fill a community need

Current Focus Neighborhoods:

Past Focus Neighborhoods

  • The Whiteaker (Eugene)